WOODTURNING Extra Length Handles Easy Wood Tools Pro Easy Finisher The Pro Easy Finisher is a carbide cutter woodturning tool that addresses fatigue, safety, and effi ciency like no other tool on the market. Designed to be kept fl at on the tool rest and level to the fl oor, the Pro Easy Finisher has a round carbide cutter perfect for doing the inside work on smaller bowls and for larger coves on spindle work, without the need for sharpening. The tool design provides support directly beneath the cutting edge to transfer the cut- ting pressure downward, allowing the lathe to “take the pounding” that you would normally suffer. The Pro Easy Finisher is equipped with an ergonomically designed 20" American Hickory handle to provide a safe and secure hold of the tool while offering many hours of turning enjoyment. 160157 Model 3400 .............................. $139.99 WoodRiver® Turning Tools These high quality turning tools are designed to meet the needs of any skill level turner, from beginner to demanding professional. The high speed steel blades are hardened to HRC62-64 and set in extra long 16" hardwood handles with brass ferrules. The extra length of the handles allows greater control and comfort for those long turning sessions. The HSS blades stay sharp up to six times longer than carbon steel. Available exclusively at Woodcraft, these tools represent great value and quality. Honing required before use. Easy Wood Tools Pro Easy Detailer The Pro Easy Detailer is a carbide cutter woodturn- ing tool that picks up where other tools leave off to provide another level of woodturning creativity as the unique diamond cutter shape fi ts in tight places where the cutters on the other tools will just not fi t. Designed to be kept fl at on the tool rest and level to the fl oor, the Pro Easy Detailer has a diamond carbide cutter engineered to cut going straight in, employing just the nose of the tool. The tool design provides support directly beneath the cutting edge to transfer the cutting pressure downward, allowing the lathe to “take the pounding” that you would normally suffer. For safety reasons, avoid plunging the tool too deep into the wood too quickly, which could cause the tool to bind in the groove. The Pro Easy Finisher is equipped with an ergonomically designed 20" American Hickory handle to provide a safe and secure hold of the tool while offering many hours of turning enjoyment. 160158 Model 3700 ............................... $139.99 Pick the right tool for small to large hollow turnings #1 EASY WOOD Tools Pro Hollowers Hollow forms can be tricky because a wood- turner can’t see inside a form while turning it, and chips and blowouts can happen quickly. Easy Wood Tools has addressed these aissues with three different sized Pro Hollowers designed with a fl at-bottomed tool bar: Mini, Mid, and Pro. The Mini-Size Easy Hollower™ #1 is perfect for small ornamental projects and tiny hollow forms, while the Mid-Size Easy Hollower™ #2 works great on medium to large bowls, projects and hollow forms. The Pro-Size Easy Hollower #3 can tackle extremely large projects and deep hollow forms without the need for any additional equipment. No matter the size of your hollowing project, Easy Wood Tools has you covered. #2 #3 174683 Easy Hollower Tool #1 .......$169.99 174684 Easy Hollower Tool #2 .......$179.99 174685 Easy Hollower Tool #3 .......$179.99 7 Availability of Items, Specifi cations or Prices May Change Without Notice. 145904 3/8" spindle gouge ....................... $49.99 145905 1/2" spindle gouge .......................$55.99 145906 5/8" roughing gouge .................... $69.99 146225 3/4" roughing gouge ......................$79.99 145911 1/4" fi ngernail bowl gouge ........... $59.99 145912 3/8" fi ngernail bowl gouge ............$77.99 150492 1/2" fi ngernail bowl gouge...........$84.99 146174 1/2" bowl gouge ............................ $89.99 145907 1" oval skew chisel .......................$72.99 146229 1/2" round nose scraper .............$62.99 146230 3/4" round nose scraper...............$73.99 146226 3/4" curved scraper ..................... $64.99 145908 1" square nose scraper ...............$79.99 146227 11/2" H.D. bowl scraper ............$149.99 146233 1/8" diamond parting ................... $64.99 145909 3/16" diamond parting tool .......... $66.99 Turning Tool Sets feature the same high quality HSS blades as the individual tools. 63/4" blades are set in 16" hardwood handles with brass ferrules. Honing required before use. Beginner’s Turning Set contains 3/8" spindle gouge, 3/4" roughing gouge, 1/2" oval skew chisel, 1/2" round nose scraper, and 1/4" fi ngernail bowl gouge. 145913 ............................................................................................................................................$259.99 Turner’s Set of 8 contains all the tools necessary for most turning projects. Set contains 1/4" spindle gouge, 1/2" spindle gouge, 3/4" roughing gouge, 1" oval skew chisel, 1" square nose scraper, 1" round nose scraper, 3/16" diamond parting tool, and 3/8" fi ngernail bowl gouge. 145914 ............................................................................................................................................ $379.99 WoodRiver® Pen Turning Set, 3-Piece Specifi cally designed for pen turning, these scaled- down HSS tools are the perfect size for all your small turning projects. Set includes 3/8" gouge, 1/2" skew, and 1/8" parting tool. Tools are approximately 11" long with 8" handles, complete with wooden case. Honing required before use. 142460 .......................................................$87.99 "Mini" Turning Tool Set, 5-Piece This economical High Speed Steel (HSS) set is a perfect companion set for midi and mini lathes, or a great addition to any turners tool kit for smaller turning projects. Set includes 1/8" and 1/4" spindle gouges, 1/8" parting tool, 1/4" round nose scraper, and 1/4" skew chisel. Tools are approximately 10" long, complete with wooden case. Honing required before use. WoodRiver® 143718 Model 143718W ...........................$79.99
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